
Becoming a Member


There are nearly 65,000 Sigma Xi members in more than 100 countries around the world. Sigma Xi chapters, more than 500 in all, can be found at colleges and universities, industrial research centers and government laboratories. Each year the Society initiates nearly 5,000 new members. Over the course of the Society's distinguished history, nearly 200 members have won the Nobel Prize and many more have earned election to the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering. Membership in Sigma Xi is professionally rewarding and offers a chance to participate in ongoing programs and activities at the local and Society levels. Active, dues-paying members also have access to valuable benefits, both personal and professional. The Society's interdisciplinary outlook finds vivid expression in American Scientist, the award-winning illustrated magazine, which since 1913 has been dedicated to communicating research developments across disciplinary lines.

Membership in Sigma Xi is by invitation. Those who have shown potential as researchers are invited to join as associate members. Full membership is conferred upon those who have demonstrated noteworthy achievements in research. Any active (dues paying) full member may nominate an individual for membership. Individuals who meet the qualifications for membership may request nomination to membership. For more information about qualifications for membership and nomination forms, please visit the national Sigma Xi website and contact a local officer or other active member.

Chapter Affiliation

By choosing to affiliate your membership with the ASU Chapter, you are ensuring that a portion of your yearly dues are directed to the chapter. The chapter relies on these funds to run local programs such as ASU Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid. In this way, each member of the ASU Chapter is directly funding new scientific research at ASU. If you are already a member of Sigma Xi and would like to join our chapter, then changing your Sigma Xi chapter affiliation is easy to do. Just click on this form link and follow the directions for changing your chapter affiliation to "Arizona State University."

If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact any of our officers.

Newest Member

Jordan Yaple
Student member